New! Photoshop, Lightroom, WordPress, Quark & Social Media Coaching!
I publish Eclectic Horseman Magazine and had been struggling with photo preparation after our recent switch to a color format. With two sessions over the phone Mary has given me the tools to really take the look of our magazine to the next level. I feel as if a whole new world has opened up for me in the ability to improve good photos clarity and salvage poor photos and help them be useable. Happy day!
Her instruction was clear, organized and straight forward and her manner very professional. I would highly recommend her to anyone looking to improve their photo preparation skills and I believe she would be a valuable addition to your teaching staff. If you have any questions, please feel free to call 303-449-3537 or email me at this address.
Thank you,
Emily Kitching
President, Eclectic Horseman Comm. Inc.

If you are struggling with Photoshop, Lightroom, WordPress or Quark’s Desktop Publishing software I can help you, at least to the extent that I have mastered each of these programs myself. The truth is lifelong learning is required for each of these powerful, ever changing programs, but I have been a graphic and web designer for many, many years and use at least one of these programs every day that I work. Every year I push myself to learn new skills and to acquire new plugins or other tools with which to make special effects for design projects like ads and posters, fix photos that have problems, and to keep up with the latest technologies and design trends. The headings on each page of this website are an example; they showcase new special effect actions I recently purchased.
Photoshop: I can help you manage layers, create masks, create clipping paths or remove the background, correct color, use the tools, set your preferences and press settings, create pdfs properly, and find, install and use Photoshop add-ons like brushes, fancy fonts, special effect plugins, shapes, and actions!!!!!
Lightroom: Learn basic photo processing skills and file management.
Quark: Learn the basics of how to use Quark for book, magazine and newspaper publishing.
Social Media: I have nearly 700,000 followers on my BuckarooCountry Facebook page and can consult with you with tips and tricks for building traffic to your page.
I also have many years experience with prepress. Nothing is more upsetting to print houses than getting files that are all messed up and unprintable! If you are having your design projects printed, and want to make sure your color is accurate, that images and type are sharp and clear, that your image file types are correctly set up, that your pdfs are properly made….and much more…..let me help! I can coach or I can take a look at your files before you send them to the printer.
If you are frustrated with any of these programs, let me help you today!!! No need to be physically present, I can easily do this by phone. Easy pay thru Paypal to . $60 for 30 minutes, $30 for the next 30 minutes, $75 per hour afterwards.